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Proud to be here

May 3rd, 2009 at 02:21 pm

Well, as though as the economy is turning out to be, I am proud to say that so far, I am having good luck getting through it. I sometimes feel that when I need cash, it somehow comes through.

A few months back, I had nothing, they I got back tax refund...truly a life saver this particular year.

In other ways, my expenses have been just below what I make, allowing me to relax a little, and desperately work to keep my job.

I have personally had friends and family be laid off or have hours reduced. I am lucky that has not happened to me.

In the end, I realize that by surviving bad times, one learns to be more conservative, and I have also learned that I will never allow myself to go without some sort of emergency savings which I am currently working on building up.

I will never in my life, allow my family to have to concern themselves with whether they will have enough to make ends meet.

This past year has been a learning experience for many of us, and its a life long lesson not to be forgotten anytime soon.


to the future.... and to a better life

Where can i find a second job?

March 7th, 2009 at 11:50 am

I work full time monday to friday.
There are times when I think that perhaps a great way to make ends meet would be to get out there and find a second job.

Although this sounds a lot easier said than done, I have given the thought very serious consideration.

The only problem is my preferred time to work additional hours would be just the weekend.

At the moment I haven't found anything.

Any suggestions?

(I have never worked in retail before, but it appears that it may be one of my only choices.)

No betther entertainment than free family visits

February 22nd, 2009 at 02:33 pm

I got thinking that most people spend $20 a week to go see a movie (usually you don't want to go alone).
And this doesn't even take into account buying any really expensive, yet not worth it, unless you are starving popcorn.

Well, I had a great time visiting some family members I had not seen in a while.

At times, I feel these visits are great ways to reconnect.

I am a young guy so there is a lot of knowledge my aunts and uncles have shared with me over the last few years.

Nothing beats a free fun evening with family.

Try it never know how much you might enjoy it.


Talk about Saving..

January 2nd, 2009 at 06:04 pm

The year just began and I thought I was off to a good start until I did the math on what I had to spend on just the first day of the new year.

I intend on trying to keep a spending journal for the month of January.
This will help get create a sustainable budget so that I can try to save some money this year.

I started with $0.00 in savings..and life is not easy this way.

So here's my expense log for January 1st, 2009.

1. Target $7.01
2. Phone $8.21 (partial payment)
3. Toll $0.80
4. Rent $850.00

Grand total $866.02.

For today, January 2nd, I don't expect to incur any expenses.

Total expenses $0.00

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I I Below

The solution for all- The Lottery!

December 4th, 2008 at 10:30 pm

I know everyone in financial trouble thinks of the lottery as the solution to all, if not almost all of our financial problems.
I wished I could win something, but it appears that chances of getting something are very slim.

I prefer so use my $1.00 to pay down my credit card. One thing is for sure, it can at least cover one dollar of interest, verses taking a chance at hitting it big.

Don't lose hope and good luck with your debt reduction.

Don't play the lottery often.
A dollar here and there through the year won't do any harm, but don't expect it to be the solution that takes care of it all.

Life is about making money and saving money.

December 1st, 2008 at 08:04 pm

Try this out of you think it might be of use to you.
I use Skype all the time.
Get Voip Save 50% Off Your Phone Bill

Its never too late!

November 22nd, 2008 at 05:36 pm

One thing I have learned in life is that its never too late to think about the future.

It seemed that when I was a young boy I had ideas of where I would be today.
There have been doors shut in front of me and at the same time new opportunities opened up that I never expected.

I am happy where I am and only hope for a brighter future.

My advice to all that follow is not to lose hope.
I still have dreams of where I would like to see myself in the future, and as I get older is appears that not everything is accomplishable, but at the same time never lose hope.

One thing is for sure, others prefer to always be ahead of us.
The reality is that if you want to be ahead you have to think differently, you have to recognize nobody will ever give you anything, whatever you want, you have to earn it.

Each and every life sacrifice we make gives us the life experience to be the successful person that we all can grow to be.

Again, never lose hope.

Small steps lead to the ultimate place we all desire, whether it's a financially stable life, a better position with work, or just happiness in your life.

A thousand mile journey begins with one step.

Good luck to all!!

It's Friday!

November 14th, 2008 at 09:28 pm

Today is payday, sorry, I meant to say Friday.

I am sure that I am not the only one livng on a Friday to Friday basis. It takes a lot of effort to get out tof this cycle, but so far I am getting better and better at it.

I am dispointed to hear so many bad news about hte economy since its just leaves a negative mood with everyone around me.

I have had many lucky breaks.
(Today, I guess NOT being laid of, is a good sign of luck.)

Life shouldn't be this way.
We should feel secure regardless of where we are.

I have a friend who will be retiring in three weeks and I wonder whether I will ever be able to achive the same.

I joke with my wife that I won't wait until 62 or 65 years. I want to retire at 45.

Yes, that seems agrassive, but I have nothing to lose by setting such a fast goal.

Another thing I pointed out to my wife, my friend is retiring with a pension.
(Who is currently working and has a Pension...we only hear 401 (k)..k.kkk.kkk).

I all those kkk can add up. Our hope is we save enough $KKK so live on.

I pointed out to my wife that pensions will be like dinasours. By the time we retire, in about 25-35 years, they will be a thing of the past. A story that people can talk about.

Social security here I come.

Life goes on..

Good luck to all of you, and enjoy your weekend.

All said and done

November 5th, 2008 at 01:59 pm

I can't wait for Jan 20th.
History is in the making.
I am glad to still be young because I am certain a better, happier future awaits me.

I, perhaps, may still be able to retire after working 20-30 years.

Time to start saving.

First in line to Vote!!

November 4th, 2008 at 01:42 pm

Well, its that time of the 4-year cycle again. I had to get up early to go elect the next president.

Well, I did my duty. In fact, I was firt in line.

I have never felt better about making my vote and having it count.

I am proud be part of the group that will bring a new direction to this country.

Make sure all of you than can participate take advantage of the opportunity.

Good luck.

Can't wait for tonight, for the results!!


November 3rd, 2008 at 05:01 pm

$18,350.00 in credit card debt is alot of money. Roughly 70% of what I may expect to earn next year.
My, that's a lot.

Is there any affluent reader willing to chip in to help in your sincerest random act of kindness?

Let me know. I would love the help.

New Years Resolution!!

November 1st, 2008 at 02:03 pm

Now is the time to get started on setting some goals for the next year.
I have learned that each year we learn something new.
For example, I made some pretty horrible spending decisions this year. (Funds I regret having spend, which could have been used for something more meaningful).
As the year has gone by, I am eager to get myself a brand new desktop with video editing capabilities and a decent graphics card to enjoy some online gaming.

I used to to that a lot more a while back, but since I moved out of my previous home. (I left the desktop computer to my 15 year old brother, and I use this current 3-4 year old laptop.)

Not top of the line to enjoy intense graphic gaming.

I have started looking at computer models. The one thing that pleases me is that I should be able to get a very good one within the price range of $900 to $1300.00, thanks in part to the sagging economy.

This also brings up the point that a lot of people are suffering economically. I too have had to cut back a little.
I am pleased to be happily employed.
I have not personally been affected much, but things to look bad when there is such a negative vibe in the area.

Again, moving back to new year resolutions.

This year, I do plan on becoming for physically active. I have neglected the sports I used to enjoy on a more casual basis. The problem has been my wife doesn't life doing much. But we have to find common ground. I used to bike, Rollerblade, swim, and just go hiking and trail walks.

In economical practice, I plan on starting to save some money.
I have saved nothing so far, just placed my self in debt.

While I have great experience at managing debt and paying bills on time, I have neglected to save for an emergency.

I know financial planner would love for us to have 3 to 6 months worth of expenses saved up. Its a little hard to do, but that doesn't prevent me from going forward with the goal.

As the end of the year approaches, I will re-visit these ideas and see how probable they are.

I don't want to be dreaming, but at the same time, lack to setting goals isn't going to get anyone anywhere.

For all of you setting high goals. Good for you. Don't let anyone set you down.
While they may not be achievable today, they may be tomorrow!!!

Happy new YEAR...soon.


October 23rd, 2008 at 03:38 am

I am always curious as to what people are happy with. It seems we are made to consume, consume, and consume some more. We never seem to be happy with what we have.

I want to hear from some of you guys.
What goals do you have?
What are you trying to accomplish starting from where you are now?
Do you consider yourself successful?
If not, what needs to be done to consider yourself to have succeeded?

Thanks for your comments.

Happy Columbus day! with a parking Fine!!

October 12th, 2008 at 04:17 pm

What a way to start celebtrating a happy columbus day. I just when for a ride this morning and since I was parked on the main street where the parade will be this morning, my car already had a parking ticket.

Not the best way to start saving or paying off debt. Let my bad experience be an example to all.
Something as simple as not reading a sign as you park you car can cost you big. This is coming out of my emergency funds, which at the moment doesn't really have any money.
The fine was $75.00, so we are not talking spare change here.

Wish me luck as I move to appeal the ticket. Worst case scenario, I still have to pay the ticket, but get 3 months to come up wth the money.

Happy Columbus day to all!!

and the lesson to you all.
Start a emergency fund. You never know when you are going to need it.

thanks for the grand welcome

October 7th, 2008 at 05:42 pm

I am starting to like this place already. You guys are all so welcoming. It puts me at ease, especially since as I mentioned before, this is my very first blog. I will definetely look forward to writing a lot more.
And of course you guys are in good shape, you guys are the smart ones here who like myself trying to give advice rather than receive it. Thanks for the grand welcome to all.

I am new here, but here to hopefully help

October 7th, 2008 at 02:54 pm

Well, hello to everyone. First of all I want to say that I am new here. I happened to run accross the website this past week and just feel in love with the idea of sharing my personal experience and advice. I am sure that in some minor way, I will be able to help someone out there in the world to maker a better financial decision that will somehow save them money.
Since I am new here, don't expect many pictures and amazing HTML graphics. I will work on that later.

I work as a real estate paralegal, so I am very familiar with real estate transaction, in regards to purchasing, financing, and the buy/sell process. If anyone has any quesstions about this, feel free to ask and I will answer.

I am personally in credit cards debt, who isn't?
The important thing is that I have done my research to manage it appropiately so that it costs me the least on a month to month basis (i.e. paying the lowest interest around).

I manage my personal finances on a budget, month to month, so I will definitely begin to post and advice on how to get started on one. I am sure many of you have heard it before, but sometimes, it takes a real example to see how its done. Then you can just follow along.
The one thing to remember is that you have to be truthful about where you money is going. If you lie to yourself about where you are spending your money, than you can't track it accurately to see where it is going.

Well, that its for now, i got to get back to work.